Something has been changing inside.
Accruing since the pandemic arrived or sooner.
Burst of change prompted by distanced-visit with friend of 40 years.
Could be new appreciation of accumulated, over 40 and over 70 years, life experiences.
Alive and Well enough to apply those lived-learnings to help forge a better whole,
a better universe,
better connections.
Could be
The statue is crumbling within me.
For so many years, it held rigid̶—
unmoved by pain, death.
Disillusioned friendships and love̶—
yes, mostly love.
To quote Robert Nichols.[i]
Feels good. Something realized—
Could be boost of self-regard, something to let go of,
a needing to learn more, experience more, contribute more,
to a world edging toward new pages.
Tis humbling to attest to unknowing,
glimpsing new courses to embody.
The woman whose last words, “All my life, I thought there was something wrong with me,” resounds:
Whose voice?
Not mind, not now.